Hi Profile

Artist Biography

Born in Athens/Greece, ‘Hi Profile’ is the founder of ProGREECEve Trance Music and with this modern unique music style he has been rated as one of the most successful acts worldwide.

Owner of 1db Records and creator of TranceFamily Greece, Hi Profile has established a trance legion which has helped many new & young producers to come to the surface giving them the opportunity for their own career.

With 9 singles at Beatport’s top 10 and gaining support from legends like Paul Oakenfold, Astrix, Liquid Soul, Neelix, Symphonix and many more respectful producers, Hi Profile & his music has taken over the main stages in Europe, S&N America, India, Australia.

His own futuristic music style has developed a new prospective with no borders in harmonies & groove and has set new standards in progressive trance music

Artist Profile

Real Name: Anastasios Antoniou
Country: Greece

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